Medical news


Doctors Suggest 6 Lifestyle Changes That Can Reduce Your Risk Of Stroke!

Stroke is a critical medical emergency resulting from disrupted blood supply to the brain, causing severe consequences. Rapid intervention is crucial, as strokes manifest suddenly with symptoms like numbness and confusion. Preventive measures involve addressing risk factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol, and smoking. Health issues like high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, and type 2 diabetes contribute to stroke risk, emphasizing...

Masaba Gupta joins the 5 am club; know more about the practice of self-love, growth

Saurabh Bothra, CEO, Habuild, redefined the 5 am club as the most important habit for self-care and the first step towards self-love, which everyone should take

Work-life balance: 10 essential tips for achieving harmony in sleep, work and life

Sleep is not just a luxury; it is a biological need. Your body relies on sleep to rejuvenate, repair, and regulate essential functions. Good sleep helps your brains work better, boosts your mood, keeps your immune system strong, and lowers your chances of getting sick. On the other hand, balancing work and personal life is also vital for staying healthy. It helps you feel less stressed, avoid getting too tired, and keeps your relationships...

What stress does to your body and how you can manage it better

Stress not only impacts our brain but also affects various parts of our body.

I moved to Japan and started following 2 basic Japanese healthy-eating principles — and it helped me go from food obsession to freedom

One Japanese healthy-eating principle taught me that if I stop eating when I'm 80% full, I would never have to go on another diet.

These are the top 5 health triggers impacting young people’s health

By following these simple steps, young adults can take charge of their well-being and handle the challenges of modern life in a better way.

Stone Fireplace Build In The Log Cabin

I am selling my own handmade wooden products!! My website: I hand-craft my own cutting boards in the log cabin. I can only make a few at a time, so you have to be first to buy one when a batch is released. Every cutting board is signed by hand with its own unique number, representing how every cutting board is unique. They are made from hard nordic oak, making them extremely durable, holding up for a lifetime of abuse. Instead of having a plastic cutting board that really should be thrown away after 2 years. I was told that my dream of selling handmade products wouldn’t work in today's world where everything is mass produced. I want to prove them wrong. My goal is to expand into other handmade products. Making a series of lifetime quality handmade goods. Breaking free from mass production, supporting our environment. So check out my website: —------ The clothes I am wearing are from the Swedish brand Revolution Race. Check them out here: —------ This is my gear that I use to make these videos possible: My main camera: My second camera: My lens: My drone: These amazon links are affiliate links. By using these links I earn a small fee from your purchase, it does NOT cost you anything extra. Thank you for your support and be creative with your new gear! Thank you Stevie Antoniou Media for editing this video!

Worried about heart attack in post Covid times? Signs of an unhealthy heart; tips to improve heart health

Impact of virus, sedentary lifestyle, or vaccine; what's ailing your heart in post Covid era? Know signs of an unhealthy heart, tips to boost heart health.

6 benefits of drinking black coffee every morning

For many, the ritual of starting the day with a steaming cup of black coffee isn't just about the rich aroma or the bold taste; it's a cherished tradition that kickstarts their morning routine for many more reasons. Beyond its comforting allure, black coffee boasts a plethora of health benefits that have been celebrated for centuries. From its antioxidant properties to its potential to enhance cognitive function, here's a deep dive into why...

High blood sugar? 11 lifestyle changes to prevent or manage diabetes

Diabetes can be managed well with suitable lifestyle changes. Here are all the healthy habits people with diabetes should adopt to avoid complications.

7 simple ways to stay happy and positive

Good physical health is a precursor to good mental health, and focusing on lifestyle habits that are practiced every day is the first step to overall wellness.

Kalki Koechlin's Goa Home Is A Nature Lover's Dream

Kalki Koechlin has always loved unconventional scripts and unique characters that make her stand out in the film industry. Just like her dedication towards work, she also believes in prioritising a balanced lifestyle. The actress who currently resides in Goa with her partner Guy Hershberg and daughter Sappho, enjoys a calm coastal life while frequently visiting Mumbai for her professional commitments. In a recent interview with Brut India, the...

What is the best time to walk every day?

Walking, a low-impact exercise, can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine without imposing on your already hectic schedule

Japanese beauty secrets for a younger you

Let's take a look at all the Japanese beauty secrets for a youthful look.

Achieve the Korean skin glow this summer with these skincare tips

Prioritize summer skincare for healthy, glowing skin by focusing on hydration, UV protection, and nourishment. Follow a routine including double cleansing, serums, sheet masks, eye cream, moisturiser, and sunscreen with SPF 50.

10 Korean habits that'll keep you looking young and energetic

Incorporating these Korean habits into your daily routine can help you achieve a healthier, more youthful, and energetic lifestyle.

Superfood Saga: 10 lesser-known benefits of humble banana

Embrace lesser-known banana benefits and reap the rewards of this extraordinary fruit.

Increased Stress Can Stand in the Way of Weight Loss; Try These Ways To Lower Your Cortisol Levels

From chronic diseases to bad health conditions, increased stress levels can be the root cause of several health issues. Increased stress levels can also be a cause of sudden weight gain. Cortisol is a hormone that is released by your body when you’re stressed. Read on to know some of the natural ways to lower your cortisol levels.

Weight Loss Story: Man Goes From 96 Kgs To 75 Kgs By Creating A Calorie Deficit

Weight loss story: Low immunity level and sluggishness pushed this man to shed off kilos and become healthy and fit. He stayed in calorie deficit and would strength train to lose weight and look toned.

Ways in which office goers can keep the body active

Office workout routine: Use a standing desk or a converter that allows you to alternate between sitting and standing. Standing burns more calories and can improve posture.

A woman lost 50 pounds and has kept it off for 7 years by following the 80/20 principle and walking

Gen Cohen finally found a way to lose weight sustainably with the 80/20 dieting principle, after spending a decade trying fad diets that didn't work.

Scientists compared 5 low-carb diets and found 1 made losing weight and keeping it off easier

Low-carb diets emphasizing high-quality plant-based foods, including whole grains, were linked to losing weight and keeping it off in a new study.

7 tips to hydrate your skin the right way, according to skincare experts

To have optimal hydration isn’t as easy or simple as applying moisturiser periodically. Here are 7 tips with comprehensive approach to hydrate skin effectively

10 Study-Life Balance Tips for the Digital Age

Discover 10 essential study-life balance tips tailored for the digital age in this engaging web story. From setting priorities to practicing self-compassion, learn how to navigate academic demands while prioritizing well-being and happiness in today's fast-paced world.

Low-Carb Vs Keto Diet: What's Best For You? Know Similarities, Differences, Benefits And Risks

By Dr Lalitha Palle Boarding a journey for a healthier lifestyle often includes travel through the multitude of diet alternatives available, with low-carb and ketogenic diets remaining popular choices. Comprehending the distinctions between these two approaches is vital in deciding which aligns best with health goals and preferences. In this article, we look into the differences, benefits, and risks, of low-carb and keto diets to facilitate...

Ayurvedic Tips To Help You Lose Belly Fat Like A Pro

Obesity, bulging tummy, and being overweight are hindrances to a healthy life. Unfortunately, our urban lifestyles are rampant breeding grounds for those extra kilos, making belly fat accumulation a sum of such poor choices. Fortunately, Ayurveda can do wonders in reducing those extra inches on your waistline. Read on to know how.

10 simple ways to live a life of contentment

Steps to enjoy a peaceful life.

Weight loss story: Man loses 60 kg, shares his diet and fitness plan

Ashish Sachdeva, a businessman from Rewari, Haryana, went through a remarkable weight loss transformation. Once weighing almost 140 kilos, he managed to lose 60.9 kilos in 2.5 years. Sachdeva's turning point came when he connected with spirituality, which changed his worldview and approach to life. He made lifestyle changes such as going to bed early, avoiding junk food and sugar, and following a specific diet plan. He also incorporated regular...

This is how long you need to sit, sleep, and exercise in a day

The study revealed a clear trend: less sitting, more standing, activity, and sleep were associated with better health outcomes.

How To Lose Weight Without Getting On A Diet

Although it's widely accepted that a 70% diet and 30% exercise regimen is the best way to lose weight quickly and effectively, Here are six methods to lose weight without going on a rigid diet:

Impact Of Stress On Eating Habits And Tips For Maintaining A Healthy Work-Life Balance

In the modern world, stress is an unavoidable part of life, whether it stems from work pressures, relational conflicts, or overwhelming schedules. The impact of stress on our dietary habits is profound and varies among individuals.It is a well-known fact that stress can either dampen or amplify our appetite. For some, stress numbs their hunger cues, leading them to skip meals, while for others, it triggers a cycle of emotional eating as a...

Weight Loss Story: One Meal A Day And Consistent Walking Helped Her Lose 14 Kilos

One meal a day restricts calories consumption during a certain period of time. It worked for Jasjeet Plaha, 40, and she lost more than 14 kilos by following it. She could even eat food that she enjoyed.

I left my 6-figure corporate job to start a company. I didn't realize it'd make me a better mom.

Mia Davis' company, Color Vision, is now a seven-figure business. Leaving corporate America also helped her be more present as a mom.

Bringing home a Labrador? From exercises to diet tips, here's your complete care guide for a healthy and happy companion

Here's your go-to Labrador care guide which covers everything from exercise routines to dietary advices, ensuring your furry friend remains healthy and happy.

10 benefits of drinking lemon juice, turmeric, black pepper shot everyday

Incorporating a lemon juice, turmeric, and black pepper shot into your daily routine can offer a myriad of health benefits, ranging from immune support and inflammation reduction to skin rejuvenation and weight management

38-year-old woman says high-protein meals helped her lose over 63 kgs; we find out if that can be possible

Our bodies require a steady supply of nutrients, particularly carbohydrates, protein, and iron, to fuel physical activity and maintain stamin

Increasing stroke cases in young adults: Reasons for this disturbing trend, treatment tips

Recent years have seen an increasing incidence of stroke among young adults globally and in India. Here are the causes and treatment of brain disorder in youth

These small habits can make a huge impact

Simple habits that will improve your life.

5 Superfoods For A Glowing Skin

‘You are what you Eat’, this age-old adage has stood the test of time and how. So, what is the ideal diet for radiant skin and general well-being? The truth is, one cannot pinpoint the best food, however, an assortment of superfoods can be consumed for glowing skin and good health.There is no doubt that natural foods can improve our skin’s health by keeping the skin hydrated and youthful for a longer time. Eating natural and organic foods...

A cardiologist shares how he got fit and lost 30 pounds with strength training and a high-protein vegan diet

Dr. Amar Shere said he lost 30 pounds to become a good role model for patients by following a high-protein vegan diet and a strength-training routine.

Best exercises: For better fitness, balance and lower blood pressure, start climbing stairs today

Do you often opt for convenience over exertion? From hopping in the car for even the shortest trips to relying on elevators and escalators to reach your office, the art of using your legs as nature intended – for walking and climbing – seems to be fading into obscurity. Yet, by forsaking these basic forms of physical activity, are you unwittingly compromising your health? Thanks to elevators and lifts, climbing stairs has become increasingly...

This rice variety is considered ‘one of the best grains in Ayurveda’; here’s why

Ayurveda recommends daily consumption of Njavara rice as it is considered to be an appetizer, carminative and energy booster, according to Dr Swathi Ramamurthy, Head R&D, Herby Angel.

High Blood Pressure Treatment: 5 Lifestyle Changes You Should Make To Manage High BP

High blood pressure can be a cause of several health conditions, such as stroke and heart attack among several others. Hence, the condition is also known to be a ‘silent killer’. If you have extremely high blood pressure, your doctor will prescribe medications. However, high BP can also be managed by making certain lifestyle changes. Read on to know the changes you should make to manage high BP.

PCOS diet: List of optimal food choices for managing symptoms

PCOS symptoms are now seen in very young girls too. Health experts share diet tips with a list of optimal food choices for managing PCOS symptoms

​How to stay calm when life gets tough​

​Life often presents challenges that can feel overwhelming. Learning to maintain your composure can make a big difference in your overall happiness and well-being.​

Combatting heart attack: The 5 'S' battle plan to keep the heart healthy

To combat the silent epidemic of heart diseases, an expert emphasised the importance of avoiding the 5 'S': salt, sugar, sitting, sleep, and stress.

Yasmin Karachiwala Shares The Power of a Protein-Rich Diet and Regular Exercise

Are you experiencing the familiar struggle of not being able to lose weight despite exercising, controlling your diet, and getting enough sleep? If this sounds like you, there’s no need to worry. It might be time to reconsider your protein intake. Protein is a crucial element for building muscle mass and shedding fat. It is one of the three essential macronutrients, along with fats and carbohydrates. A diet high in protein not only increases...

Simple habits that happy couples follow for lasting relationship

Here's what it takes for a happy and healthy relationship.

A woman lost 55 pounds making 2 easy changes to her diet and exercise habits. Wegovy got her to 105.

A woman eased herself into exercising and healthy eating and lost 55 pounds. That gave her the foundation she needed to lose another 50lbs on Wegovy healthily.

10 habits that can change your life for the better

Who doesn't want to be happy and successful in life? If you also aspire to be so, here we list down 10 habits you can cultivate in order to align with your highest self.